My Custom Ruby Snippets

Helpful Ruby snippets for pry, rspec, and controller creation.

Written by Anthony Ongaro, on 2023-01-23




Put these into your ruby.json file or snippets.code-snippets in VS Code

Insert a Pry

	"Insert Pry Stop": {
		"prefix": "pry",
		"body": ["binding.pry"],
		"description": "Do some debugging with pry"
	"Debugger": {
		"prefix": "dbg",
		"body": ["puts \"DBG: $1=#{$1.inspect}\""]

Execute Launchy in Test

	"Save And Open Page": {
		"prefix": "sop",
		"body": ["save_and_open_page"]

Set Up A Rails Controller

Note: Plural controller name, all downcase.

	"Controllers Setup": {
		"prefix": "contr",
		"body": [
			"class ${1/(.*)/${1:/pascalcase}/}Controller < ApplicationController",
		"\tdef index",
		"\t\t@${1} = ${1/(.*)/${1:/pascalcase}/}$2.all",
		"\tdef show",
		"\t\t@${1}$2 = ${1/(.*)/${1:/pascalcase}/}$2.find(params[:id])",
		"\tdef new",
		"\tdef create",
		"\tdef edit",
		"\tdef update",
		"\tdef destroy",

Basic Model Setup

	"Model Setup": {
		"prefix": "model",
		"body": [
			"class $1 < ApplicationRecord",

RSpec for Model or Feature Test

Note: Tab is your friend.

	// Testing
	"RSpec Setup": {
		"prefix": "test",
		"body": [
			"require 'rails_helper'\r\r",
			"RSpec.describe $1, type: :$2 do",
			"\tdescribe '$3' do",
			"\t\tit '$4' do",

Create Initial Let Blocks For Tests

	"Let Test Block": {
		"prefix": "let",
		"body": [
			"let!(:$1) { $2.create!($3: $0) }"


	"Expect Have Content": {
		"prefix": "content",
		"body": ["expect(page).to have_content($1)"]

Expectations, Within

	"Within Expect Have Content": {
		"prefix": "with",
		"body": [
			"within(\"#$1\") do",
			"\texpect(page).to have_content($2)",

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